Rat: Check out this comic…It is called ‘Garfield minus Garfield.’ The guy takes a normal ‘Garfield’ strip but deletes ‘Garfield’. So you are left with just Jon talking to himself…It is great. Pig: Oh, gee…I think I prefer normal ‘Garfield’. Rat: Will you excuse me for a moment? Pig: Sure. Man: No, I will not delete pig from the strip. Rat:看看这个漫画……名字叫《加菲猫减加菲猫》。这家伙画的是一副正常的'加菲猫'连环画,但把'加菲猫'删除了。所以,你只看到乔恩在自言自语.……太棒了! Pig:哦,天哪……我觉得我更喜欢看到一个正常的“加菲猫” Rat:你能让我单独呆一会儿吗? Pig:当然可以。 Man:我不会把这个连环画里面的猪给删除的。 【注释】 talk to himself:自言自语,和自己说话 excuse me for a moment:失陪一会儿、打扰一下