英语幽默小故事带翻译:Being considerate 善解人意(中英双语)Being considerate善解人意I had iust learned to drive and, like most teen-agers,begged at every opportunity to take over the wheel. During a family vacation my father finally allowed me drive on a long,straight stretch on highway.I was in my glory until there was a sudden turn in the road.Caught unaware, I swung too wide and ran into a service station's advertising sign. I stopped the cat and waited for a lecture.像大多数的青少年一样,我刚学会开车时,总想利用一切开车的机会。有一次家庭外出度假时,我经过请求,爸爸终于允许我在笔直的高速公路止驾驶。我感到十分荣幸,直到开到了一个急转弯,由于转盘转动得太大,车直奔着加油站的广告牌冲去。我停下了车,等着挨训。My father,always considerate of his children's feelings,turned back to the rest of family and said. "As long as we're here,does anyone need to use the rest room?"我的父亲总是考虑到孩子哟情绪,转过身对家里的其他人说:“既然我们已经把车开到了这儿,有人想上厕所吗?”