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1. 如果您有事要找空中小姐,就按这个唤人按钮。
If you need the stewardess for anything, just push the call button.
2. 如果想舒展一下,您可以按扶手里的那个座位倾斜按钮。
If you want to relax, you can push the seat-recliner button in the armrest.
3. 请把作为靠背转到垂直位置。
Please put the back of your seat in an upright position.
4. 请回到您的座位上坐好。
Please return to your seat.
5. 请熄掉所有冒烟的东西。
Please put off all smoking materials.
6. 您乘坐的是无烟航班,在班机上的任何地方都禁止吸烟。
This is a non-smoking flight. Smoking is prohibited anywhere on the aircraft.
7. 我们的巡航速度现在达到400千米。
Our cruising speed is now up to 400 km.
The plane's cruising at an altitude of 82,900 meters.
9. 我们正越过国际日界线。
We're crossing the International Date Line.
10. 我们往纽约的飞行时间是8小时左右。
Our flying time to New York will be about 8 hours.
11. 您想喝点什么吗?
Can I get you something to drink?
12. 您想要什么饮料?
What would you like to drink?
13. 您想喝茶或者咖啡吗?
Would you like some coffee or tea?
14. 您想喝点红酒吗?
Would you care for some red wine?
15. 您要鸡肉还是牛肉?
Would you like chicken or beef?
16. 午餐有鸡肉、牛肉和中国面条?您想要哪一种?
For lunch we have chicken, beef and Chinese
Noodles. Which one would you like?
17. 过大约10分钟我们就要着陆了。
We'll land in about 10 minutes.
18. 我们准备开始向檀香山下降了。
We're going to begin descent for Honolulu.
19. 飞机安全停止以前请不要离座。
Please remain seated until the plane has come to a complete stop.
20. 现在您可以解开安全带了。
Now you can unfasten your seat belt.
21. 所有乘客都必须在东京离机请带好您所有的随身物品。
All passengers need to get off the plane here in Tokyo. Please take all your belonging with you.
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