Thetotal effect of most TV is dangerous. It is time for parents to take charge andsupervise their children's play instead of parking them by the tube and hopingit will act as a baby-sitter. The influence if TV is so important that parentswill have to be on their guard to make sure their children are not being harmedby exposure to it.
Allof us wish for bright future and hope to master a useful career. Those whopersist in remaining in idleness will never fulfill their ambitions. “No pains,no gains” is a motto with meaning. Meditate and live by it.
Nowscientists are going on with their efforts to hunt for monsters. Perhaps one ormore of these creatures may one day discovered. We are expecting to hear theexciting news. But who knows then?
Thisenormous increase of population will create immense problems. By A.D.2000,unless something terrible happens, there will be as many as 7,000,000,000people on the surface of the earth! So this is a problem which you are going tosee in your life time.