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Dear E-say,


I am writing this letter to thank my teachers for their excellent teaching and kindly help.


I have two E-say teachers and both of them are beautiful ladies , one named Jhen and the other Darlene.


Jhen taught me first and then she gave a birth to a lovely baby girl. In my second learning step, Darlene taught me instead. She is nice and easygoing. So I am not afraid of talking about my own opinion. She is very patient and ready to help. She always tries to understand what I would like to say and help me find proper words or sentences to make my expressions clearly.


She likes smiling and her hearty laughter makes the classes very relaxed. So I never feel bored and deeply engaged in conversation.


We interact with each other like good friends and we share good news or bad news at the beginning of every class. When I feel low, she shows sympathy and encourages me to move on. For example, when I am sad that I have not had a boyfriend yet, she comforts me not to worry as my Mr. Right is also waiting for me. She is very optimistic and always looks at the positive side of everything, which affects me a lot.


She is very responsible. She uploads the monthly report on time and replies to my e-mail in time. In each monthly report, she points out where I need to improve further, which help me a lot indeed. Besides, what is impressive is that when my cell phone was power off suddenly, she was not angry on my carelessness, instead she tried my another phone number and never mind taking her private time to make up the class time I lost. Furthermore, she is never absent. Even though she did not feel very well, she insisted on having the class.


I am very grateful for her kindness and encouragement!


I also would like to say thanks to Catherine, my SA. I am sure everyone will like her sweet voice and pleasant personality.


Thanks again to E-say and wish E-say greater success!


Best regards,

Yours sincerely,


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