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《Guangzhou Museum | Zhenhai Tower 》赏析

广州有很多很有意思的地方, 今天向大家介绍的是广州博物馆, 坊间也称之为镇海楼或五层楼. 这是一篇老外写的关于镇海楼的文章, 用词很地道, 基本上没有笔误. 我们可以比较地道英语和中式英语有什么不同,并从中学习简单的游记的写法.

广州市博物馆|镇海楼 Guangzhou Museum | Zhenhai Tower
May 4, 2007 | Tags: art, cafe, museum, park, Tourist spots | Written by John

Located within Yuexiu Park, the Zhenhai Tower sits atop the last remaining piece of Guangzhou's city wall. The tower was originally built in 1380 during the Ming dynasty, and has been the focus of much upheaval, resulting in the tower being destroyed and rebuilt a total of five times. It was last occupied by both the British and French during the Opium war, and was chosen for its super view of the city, as well as (on those rare clear days) views of Baiyun Mountain.

The tower is now known as the Guangzhou Museum, and contains over 2000 years of Guangzhou history. The tower is one of the cities landmark sites, and certainly one of it's most popular tourist attractions.

1. within adj.(表示位置)在…里面, 在…内部
There are two long rivers within the continent.
2. atop prep. 在…顶上
There is a seagull perched atop the mast.
3. the last remaining 最后保存下来的
4. upheaval n. 突然的巨变; 大动荡; 大变动
例如economic upheaval 经济震荡
5. Opium War 鸦片战争 Opium 鸦片
6. on those rare clear days 在那些极好的晴朗的日子里 rare adj.极好的, 极度的
7. landmark n.地标, 明显的标志
8. tourist attraction n. 游览胜地

1. 1380 during the Ming dynasty 也就是明朝洪武十三年,当时的皇帝是朱元璋

2. resulting in the tower being destroyed and rebuilt a total of five times.另一说是六毁六建,这篇英文参考的资料应该只写到鸦片战争,所以说是五毁五建。

3. It was last occupied by both the British and French during the Opium war.
(关于尚可喜参阅 http://baike.baidu.com/view/120800.htm)



清咸丰七年(1857年),英法联军攻陷广州,进驻镇海楼。建立由英国驻广州领事巴夏礼(H. S.Parkes)以及英、法各一名军人组成的联军委员会,对广州实行军事管制。


The main building consists of a five floors, each with a balcony, but only the top balcony is accessible to the public. The floors are arranged as follows:

First floor - Contains a three dimensional map of modern-day Guangzhou, with buttons to highlight key parts of the city. Also features a giant anchor from the Ming dynasty, found in the Zhu Zhiang riverbank.

Second floor - Remains from the a Han Dynasty tomb ((206 BC-AD 220, see Museum Of The Western Han Dynasty for more), as well as other items from the Han period

Third floor - The Western world and it's influence on Guangzhou, including various items from that period and a three-dimensional map of Guangzhou in the 19th century

Fourth floor - Guangzhou after the Opium war

Fifth floor - Cafe and shop, with access to the balcony and a superb view of Guangzhou

Adjacent to the Zhenhai tower is a small building housing a few more artifacts. In front of the tower are several canons from the Opium war period.

1. consists of 由…组成
The book consists of nineteen chapters.
2. balcony n.阳台
3. three-dimensional map 三维地图
4. modern-day 现在
5. anchor n.锚
6. the Zhu Zhiang 珠江另一种写法 常见的写法是the Pearl River或the Zhujiang River
7. remains n.遗迹
8. adjacent adj.邻近的
9. artifacts n.史前古器物
10. canon笔误,应该为cannon n.加农炮, 大炮, 火炮

Despite its history, the museum is fairly small and can easily be covered in 20 minutes. The view from the top is worth the trip. Note that none of the displays are in English. Admission is 10 RMB. Keep the ticket and you can also enter Guangzhou Museum of Fine Art, making it much better value.

Location – Yuexiu Park
Open: 9am-5.30pm
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