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Museum of The Western Han Dynasty (赏析)

继续跟大家介绍广州的名胜, 今天跟大家介绍的是西汉南越王墓. 请留意上下文间的连接词。
此外,以下这些中文句子, 大家可以先想想看用英文可以怎么说, 然后再读这篇文章,看看里面的表达跟自己的有什么不同.

1. 这个墓有2100年的历史。
2. 这是一个列入国家保护的重要文化遗产。
3. 博物馆占地14,000平方米。
4. 门旁有一对石虎。
5. 遗憾的是, 他们的官方网站只有中文版本。

西汉南越王墓 Museum of The Western Han Dynasty

Sep 19, 2006 | Tags: hotel, museum, Tourist spots | Written by carmen

This is the full name called: Museum of The Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Hanyue King. This is another extraordinary ancient heritage in Guangzhou which you must-go to visit.

1. Mausoleum n.公元前四世纪波斯属地Caria 地方(在小亚细亚西南部) Mausolus 王的陵墓(建筑非常华丽, 曾被誉为世界七大奇迹之一)
我们也把mausoleum 翻译成陵庙,或大而阴森的房屋
2. Hanyue King 这里是笔误 应该是Nanyue King
3. extraordinary 非同寻常的, 特别的
4. heritage n.遗产, 继承物

This is the tomb of the second king of the Southern Yue, Zhao Mo who styled himself the Civilian Emperor and who was grandson of Qing's general Zhao Tuo who united Lingnan area. This tomb has a history of 2,100 year.

1. Zhao Mo 这里应该是笔误 或者是粤语的讹音 第一代南越王是赵佗 第二代是他孙子赵昧 这里指的是赵昧 (更多参阅 http://baike.baidu.com/view/1789666.htm)

2. who styled himself the Civilian Emperor
这句的意思很容易让人认为是“他把自己称为平民皇帝” 实际上这句要表达是赵昧称自己为“文帝”,这个可以参考南越王墓里的“ 文帝行玺”金印
Civilian除了指市民 平民 老百姓以外,还指(军队中的)无军职人员以及文官

3. Zhao Tuo 说到赵佗 他是秦朝的将领(更多参阅 http://baike.baidu.com/view/430915.htm) 在公元前206年建立起南越国 自命南越武王 定都番禺 他的城有个很潮的名字 叫任嚣城 刘邦称帝后 他接受了封赠 向汉称臣 赵佗这个老人家非常长命 活了差不多一百岁 因儿子及长孙已逝 所以由次孙赵眛继承王位 做了第二代南越王 也就是西汉南越王墓的墓主
赵佗墓比赵昧墓要神秘得多 据说赵佗生前曾在多处建造坟墓 出殡当日 只见灵车四出城门 令人分不清孰真孰假
而越秀山上有马鞍冈 秦始皇曾因马鞍岗有“天子气” 派人开凿致地中“出血” 以后果然发生赵佗称王之事 晋人裴渊说赵佗墓在马鞍冈 若按此说 则赵佗发迹于此又葬于此
最早想找到赵佗墓的人是东吴大帝孙权 他曾派遣高州从事吕瑜率领几百士兵来广州勘探 虽发现了赵佗曾孙赵婴齐的墓 掳去了金镂玉衣以及36枚玉玺金印和3把铜剑 而赵佗墓却终无所获

The tomb was discovered in June 1983. After being excavated, the tomb museum of Southern Yue's king was built at the tomb's original site. This is an important heritage under the national protection. The museum covers an area of 14,000 square meters, including two sections, i.e. tomb's protection section and comprehensive display section.

The display section is a three-storied building. This building displays lots of relics excavated from the tomb. There is a huge relief sculpture on the red sandstone wall of the main entrance, depiction Yue people holding snakes, dragons and tigers. There is a pair of stone tigers standing by the gate. These decorations reflect this tomb's features of combining Middle China's Han culture and Southern China's Yue culture.

1. excavate vt.挖掘, 开凿
2. three-storied adj. 三层的
3. relics n. 遗体 残骸 废墟
4. relief sculpture n. 浮雕雕像
5. depiction Yue people holding snakes, dragons and tigers.
6. stand by the gate 站在门边

Unfortunately their official website it's only chinese version.
Entrance ticket is only 10RMB, located behind China Hotel. You can get there by Metro as well. Out of Metro station Yue xiu gong yuan; then exist D; taxi will be 15 to 25 from downtown.

1. This tomb has a history of 2,100 year.
2. This is an important heritage under the national protection.
3. The museum covers an area of 14,000 square meters。
4. There is a pair of stone tigers standing by the gate.
5. Unfortunately their official website it's only chinese version.
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