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微信支付团队发布公告,3月1日起,个人用户的微信零钱提现(cash withdrawal)功能开始对超额部分收取手续费,转账免费。每名用户(身份证维度)有1000元的免费提现额度,超出1000元部分按银行费率收取手续费,费率均为0.1%,每笔最少收(minimum charge)0.1元。


微信方面还表示,提现功能收费的目的不在于盈利(make a profit),而是支付给银行的费用。而微信支付体系下的转账(Transfer)、红包(Red Packet)、AA收款(Go Dutch)等功能全部免费。


The Chinese internet company Tencent says it plans to charge its WeChat users for withdrawing cash.


Users of the popular messaging app known as Weixin here in China will be charged 0.1 percent for cash withdrawal transactions starting from next month (March). There'll be a minimum charge for each transaction of 0.1 Yuan. Each user will be able to withdraw 1,000 Yuan, with no fee, for their lifetime.


An official statement of Wechat says the move is not aimed at making a profit, but paying due fees to the banks. Functions including Transfer, Red Packet and Go Dutch will not be affected by the latest changes.


微信提现收费让不少用户措手不及,隔壁的支付宝表示“情绪稳定”:并未收取提现手续费,但是春节期间浩浩荡荡的“集五福”活动中罕见的“敬业福”让他们成为猛烈吐槽的对象。那么关于便捷的网络支付,大家还有没有其他选择?目前来看,将于2月18日登陆中国的Apple Pay可能会受到不少人的青睐,不过苹果公司的支付方式能否挑战微信和支付宝的地位,还需要时间检验~
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