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英语幽默笑话: I’m your son 我当您的儿子

2015-09-23  点击:771

  I’m your son 我当您的儿子

  Shortly after our teen-age son started his first job at a family restaurant,we decided to surprise him by having dinner there one night. I was warned by other family members not to embarrass him by making it obvious I was his mother. Being an exuberant parent,I found this difficult but managed to act like other customers.I kept my head bent over the menu and politely accepted silverware and a glass of water---all without glancing up.
  I realized I may have been a bit too successful in keeping my distance when my son stared pointedly at me and said,“Hello,my name is Andrew,and I'll be your son for this evening.”
英语幽默笑话: 谁欠谁钱    英语幽默笑话:“Clever”doctor 聪明的大夫