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2015-10-09  点击:957


  Tom: Hey! Hey! Can I show you three options for our invitation card stock?
  Violet: You sure can.
  Tom: I'm super excited. Okay, we have got the...
  Violet: I love you.
  Tom: Aw! I love you, too.
  Violet: I do. Something crazy happened today. Winton called me into the office and hinted that they might be extending my postdoc.
  Tom: So, what does that mean for us, exactly? Um...
  Violet: I think what it probably means is that we would stay here just for a little bit and then... Would you like some of this wine?
  Tom: Nope.
  Violet: No? Okay. Um, I think the first phase would be a few years, and then, potentially, if that went well, for longer.
  Tom: It sounds like we're staying.
  Violet: Look, I know our plans changed, but they changed because I did well, and I know it doesn't feel like that to you, but maybe it's a good thing that they changed.
  Tom: For you.
  Violet: Yes, for me, but... I've just worked so hard for my whole life for this. I feel like I'm on the verge, babe. And maybe it's okay for me to be selfish.
  Tom: Well, if it's okay for you to be selfish, I guess everyone else can just figure it out on their own.
  Violet: Okay, that came out wrong. That came out wrong.
  Tom: No, I think you said exactly what you meant.
  Violet: Academia's my life, Tom. I guess you just don't understand.
  Tom: (SIGHING) Can I tell you something? It makes me feel like shit when you tell me I don't understand things. Okay. No, listen, I have news for you. I do understand. I understand everything, I just don't like it.
  Violet: Well, I'm sorry. You're right.
  Tom: It's just not nice.
  Violet: Okay, look. I'm very excited about what happened today. Do you want to know something? As soon as I heard the news, I felt instantly terrified to tell you. Now, there's something wrong with that, that I feel like you can't share in this with me. Even a little.
  Tom: I'm happy for you. (UNENTHUSIASTICALLY) Yay! We get to stay here!
  Violet: You're being a prick.
  Tom: Then I'll just try to be happy, too.
  Violet: That's not being happy for me.
  Tom: I want you to be happy.
  Violet: That's not being happy for me. That is martyring yourself and then blaming me for your perceived lack of success.
  Tom: Now... Now I have a lack of success?
  Violet: Well, I don't think you do.
  Tom: I have a lack of success now?
  Violet: But you clearly think you do and that's the problem. The fact remains, Tom, that you work at a cool place, but you refuse to see it as that.
  Tom: I ran a kitchen in San Francisco, okay?
  Violet: Okay.
  Tom: And you have no idea how it feels to be the guy in a relationship and not have a job that you're proud of. It's embarrassing.
  Violet: Why haven't we once talked about the fact that you are upset that you're not running Clam Bar? You never talk about it.
  Tom: Because I'm a man, and men and women are different. (MOCKINGLY) We don't have to sit around and talk about our feelings. What? There's nothing to say!
  Violet: You say, "I'm upset," Tom! You say it!
  Tom: Fine! You want to talk about it? Yes! I hate it here!
  Violet: Thank you!
  Tom: I hate it here!
  Violet: Thank you for...
  Tom: I think it sucks here! I think it sucks my fucking dick!
  Violet: Great. Good for you.
  Tom: I hate it! I hate it here!
  Violet: Okay, okay, okay, but now we move forward. Now what should we do? Would you like to open up a Clam Bar here?
  Tom: You can't get fresh clams here.
  Violet: (EXHALING DEEPLY) I meant it as a metaphor.
  Tom: You know what? This is all very confusing. And I'm clearly overwhelmed. And I've gotta be honest, I think the best thing would be for me to just be alone right now, so that I can think.
  Violet: Okay. I'll just give you some time then, shall I?
  Tom: Well, don't go. I mean... I need you here.
  Violet: What do you mean? You just told me you needed time alone. What do you want? I don't know what you want.
  Tom: I don't want you to go.
  Violet: Okay.
  Tom: I just want to be alone with you here. Can you at least lay down?
  Violet: Okay.
  Tom: Like a normal human being?
  Violet: Do you want me just to be...
  Tom: I want...
  Violet: Okay.
  Tom: I'm trying to be alone.
  Violet: Yeah.
  Tom: (SIGHS)
  1. That's enough shoptalk.
  2. I'm trying to offload and tell you my issues with Tom.
  3. I'm not wallowing.
  4. Okay, I gave you a head start.
  5. Yeah, I'm pumped up about it.
  6. It's stupid for us not to give this another shot.
 《怦然心动》电影精讲    《成为简?奥斯汀》电影精讲