影片剧情:汤姆一直过着沉闷无趣的生活,直到他怀着一颗不可救药的浪漫的心,遇到了生命中的真爱——莎莫。即使是在这样一个愤世嫉俗的现代社会里,汤姆仍然坚定地相信着这个世界上存在着那种命中注定、非你不可、有如电光火石般灿烂的爱情,但他深爱的那个名叫莎莫的美丽女孩,对此却持一种全然否定的态度。即使拥有着完全不一样的爱情观,却不能阻止汤姆毫不气馁地不断追求莎莫,就像是现代版本的唐吉诃德,拥有着无限的能量和勇气——可遗憾的是,莎莫最终还是离开了汤姆。 当汤姆仔细地回想这段维系了500天的“真爱”时,突然之间,他意识到自己爱上的不只是一位可爱、幽默、智慧的女性……原来他爱上的是莎莫在他心中的倒影,并非某一个人,而是一种对爱情的理解和念想。于是汤姆在那500天的记忆和闪回画面中不断地游弋、寻找,想要拼凑出爱情最初的模样。 ……
S: Hey, Tom. I thought I might see you here. I always loved this place, ever since you brought me.
T: So, I, uh-- I guess I should say congratuations.
S: Only if you mean it.
T: Ah. Well, in that case--
S: So, are you okay?
T: I will be, eventually. You wanna--
S: Hmm. I like your suit.
T: Ah, thanks.
S: You look sharp.
T: [Laughs]So do you.
S: [Chuckles]Thanks.
T: I quit the office.
S: You did? I didn't know. That's great!
T: And you, um-- you're married.
S: Yeah. It's crazy, huh?
T: You should have told me when we were at the--
S: I know.
T: You know, at the wedding when we were dancing.
S: Well, he hadn't asked me yet.
T: But he was in your life.
S: Yeah.
T: So why'd you dance with me?
S: 'Cause I wanted to.
T: You just do what you want, don't you? You never wanted to be anybody's girlfriend, and now you're somebody's wife.
S: Surprised me too.
T: I don't think I'll ever understand that. I mean, it doesn't make sense.
S: It just happened.
T: Right, but that's what I don't understand. What just happened?
S: I just-- I just woke up one day, and I knew.
T: Knew what?
S: What I was never sure of with you.
T: You know what sucks? Realizing that everything you believe in is complete and utter bullshit. It sucks.
S: What do you mean?
T: Uh, you know, destiny, and soul mates, and true love, and all that childhood fairy tale nonsense. You were right. I-I should have listened to you.
S: No.
T: Yeah. What? What are you smiling at?
S: Tom.
T: What? What are you looking at me like that for?
S: Well, you know, I guess it's 'cause... I was sitting in a deli and reading Dorian Gray and... a guy comes up to me and... asked me about it, and... now he's my husband.
T: Yeah. And... so?
S: So, what if I'd gone to the movies? What if I had gone somewhere else for lunch? What if I'd gotten there 10 minutes later? It was-- It was meant to be. And I just kept thinking, Tom was right.
T: No.
S: Yeah, I did. [Laughs] I did. It just wasn't me that you were right about. I should go. But I'm really happy to see that you're doing well.
T: Summer! I really do hope that you're happy.