担任博物馆守卫的赖瑞,这次要带着他的博物馆老古董伙伴们改走国际化路线,在前两集中那块能让整个博物馆古物复活的神奇“复活黄金碑”正逐渐消失法力,赖瑞的小伙伴们即将面临再也无法复活的命运。为了抢救这块“复活黄金碑”,赖瑞与他的馆藏好友们必须踏出美国,前往伦敦大英博物馆求助法老王阿卡曼拉的父亲以解开这个谜团,并抢在黄金碑的神秘力量消逝前达成任务,但这趟冒险旅途却也意外地唤醒了更多古物,这些老古董远赴重洋来到英国街头,究竟会与地头蛇们闹出什么笑话?刺激惊险的旅程又会碰上什么难题?精彩词句学起来:1. New York's glitterati have all turned out... for what has promised to be a memorable evening... filled with the dazzling special effects... and technical wizardry.今晚纽约名流齐聚一堂,注定将是个令人难忘的夜晚,这里有令人眼花缭乱的特效和精彩的魔术表演。2. Thank you for your patronage and for your unwavering support of this fine institution.感谢您的光临和对这个优秀机构的鼎力支持。3. Just hang on. Stick to the script.稍安勿躁,按照剧本来。4. Something took hold of us like an evil spell!我们像被魔咒控制了一样。5. You know that sound of when you're hiding in a trash bin fearing for your life because a Tyrannosaurus rex is using it as a Hacky Sack?你知道躲在垃圾桶里担心着小命不保,因为霸王龙雷克斯在把装着你的垃圾桶当球踢时的那种声音吗?6. You're in so much trouble.你摊上事儿了。7. Dad, you didn't go to college. You turned out fine.爸爸,你没上大学,现在混得也不错。8. So that must be well wicked being a security guard in America.在美国当保安一定很过瘾吧。9. You have a noble face, Nick.你长了一张贵族脸,尼克。10. I don't understand one thing that's going on here.到底怎么了?我完全一头雾水。11. A true knight never shirks his duties.真正的骑士绝不逃避责任。精彩对白欣赏:1. Since 1869, when I was a mere boy of 11, this museum has been a shining beacon to our great city. Tonight we'll expand our horizons even further, to the Sun, the Moon, and the stars. From our very beginning, mankind has looked to the heavens and given names to what he saw, the constellations. I thought you might like to meet them.2. You were born at midnight. and I had seen wonders most men only dream of. But when I first gazed upon you, you were instantly more precious to me than all the wonders of the ancient world. I knew I could never bear to say goodbye. I commanded the High Priest to create a gift to you, my son, using all we had learned of the mysteries of the afterlife.3. Our tomb was designed to channel Khonsu's rays down to the Tablet, rejuvenating its powers every night. The moon god bestowed his power upon the Tablet, so that, as long as it bathed in his light, our family could be together forever, and not even death could part us.精彩片段欣赏:精彩片段对白:Cecil: Larry?Larry: Hey, Cecil.Cecil: My God, it's been years!Larry: You look like you're doing pretty good.Cecil: I've still got it, pal. What are you doing here?Larry: I need to talk to you about the Tablet.Cecil: What the heck is Short Stack doing here?Larry: Hey, Gus. You're looking well. Reginald.Gus: Are you here to frame us again? Send us back to the slammer?Larry: I didn't frame you. You were actually stealing.And I was the one that got you out of jail, so...Cecil: Yeah. We've got a nice life here. The past is the past. We've moved on.Larry: I don't think this guy's moved on.Gus: Listen to him, monkey face.Reginald: We've put all that Tablet stuff behind us, Larry. It's old news.Cecil: Besides, we really never knew anything about that old Tablet. We just worked there.Larry: Something's up with it.Cecil: I told you, I can't help you.Larry: Maybe this kid can.Cecil: Maybe we'd better talk alone.Cecil: Expedition like that is a pretty amazing thing...for a 12-year-old boy. I tried to move on...but there was something about that Tablet.Larry: It's turning green, like some sort of corrosion. And something's happening to Teddy and Dexter...Jed and Octavius. They're all acting weird. It's like the green rust is affecting them.Cecil: "The end will come."Larry: What?Cecil: The locals, they warned us.They begged us to leave that tomb alone. I thought it meant the end of the world. But maybe it meant the end...Larry: End of the magic?Cecil: We should have listened. Should have listened. Instead, we shipped Ahk and the Tablet off toNew York...and his folks toEngland.Larry: Wait. Wait. Ahkmenrah's parents are inEngland?Cecil: It was a joint expedition. Some of the artifacts stayed inEgypt. The rest was divided up betweenNew Yorkand theBritishMuseum.Larry: Ahk said that his father knew the secrets of the Tablet. I think I have to go talk to him.Larry: I need you to listen to me.Leslie: Uh...Our esteemed chairwoman asked for my resignation. She said, since the Night Program was my brainchild...that the buck starts and stops with me.Larry: I can fix it.Leslie: How?Larry: I need you to let me take the Tablet and Ahkmenrah toLondon.Leslie: Sorry. I'm just processing that. Input data analysis.I've just told you I'm being fired, and the first thing you ask...is if I'd allow you to take some priceless artifacts...away with you on holiday.Larry: Yes. Please.Leslie: No way.Larry: I'm asking you to please go with me on this.Leslie: Nah.Larry: Please.Leslie: Can't do it, dude. Bye. Are you gonna mug me?Larry: What? I don't know. Just be prepared. I need you to listen to me.Leslie: Oh.Larry: Okay?Leslie: Yep.Larry: You want to know the truth?Leslie: Go on.Larry: Truth is, the Tablet...The Tablet is actually magic.Things really do come to life at night.Leslie: It's special effects.Larry: It's not special effects.Leslie: Of course it's special effects.Larry: How could it be special effects?Leslie: How could it not be special effects?Larry: Because it isn't!Leslie: Of course it is!Larry: I'm telling you, this is what happens.Leslie: What?Larry: Sun goes down...the Tablet starts to glow...everything comes to life.Leslie: Sure.Larry: It's real.Leslie: "Tablet starts to glow." Now I know you're mental.Larry: Look, Leslie...Listen to me. I'm not gonna hurt you.Leslie: I know. Just...Larry: What? Listen, nobody cares about this place as much as we do, right?Leslie:Yeah.Larry: If you don't help me...everything that's special about it might stop...I mean it may never come back. I'm not asking you to understand, I'm just asking you to trust me.Leslie: I'd like to help you...but I don't even work here anymore.Larry:BritishMuseumdoesn't know that.Leslie:The mummy and the Tablet, both. Classic conservation job...under authority of me, of course...the director of this museum, which I still am. Yep, okay. You're in.