英语新闻:APNews 美联社新闻
This is AP News Minute.
4 of the world's largest banks are being fined (nearly) 3 billion dollars for currency rigging. Traders at City Bank, JP.Morgan, Barclay's Bank and the Royal Bank of Scotland all involved in the conspiracy.
President Obama tells coast guard cadets that climate (change) is a national security issue. In his commencement address to the academy at New London, Connecticut, he told the class the climate change will impact how the military defends the United States.
In Germany, US Army and NATO troops are holding joint exercises on a staged battlefield. The exercises are designed to train officers to work together in multi-national environment.
And tonight marks the last time David Letterman hosts the Late Show With David Letterman. Last night's final guest was (comedian) Bill Murray who was also Letterman's first guest in 1982. Much like his hero Johnny Carson, Letterman is expected to sign off episode.