
雅思英语讲座当前位置:首页 > 学习资源 > 雅思英语讲座

General Skills

Try to say at least 3 sentences for each answer in Part 1.


It’s better to speak closer to 2 minutes than 1 minute in Part 2.


If you don’t understand, then you may ask the examiner to explain in Part 3. If you remain silent you get no points in each criterion.


Try to speak at a steady, constant speed.


Remember there are so many ways to express ‘and’,’so’,’because’,’but’. Every student knows these structures. Be more sophisticated.


If you can’t think of how to say a word, then try to paraphrase. Balance complexity with fluency.


If you speak slowly the examiner will hear every mistake.


If you don’t understand a question in Part 1, you may ask the examiner to repeat but not to explain.


Try to speak without noticeable effort in all parts of interview.

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