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I can't see the fish.我看不到鱼。

2013-03-06  点击:2271
Jon: I can't see the fish.
Lina: This is a very rare species.
Lina: They can be pretty shy.
Lina: It's probably hiding.
Jon: 我看不到鱼。
Lina: 这是一种稀少的鱼。
Lina: 它们可能比较含羞。
Lina: 应该躲起来了。

rare 稀少
species 品种,种类
pretty 相当,颇为

电话英语口语免费体验 http://www.e-say.com.cn/apply7/
Fishing? Not that hard. 钓鱼?没那么难!    Have a nice time at the ballet.舞会上玩得开心点哦!