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英语幽默笑话: I've Just Bitten My Tongue你一个,我一个

2015-10-09  点击:703
One late autumn evening two boys, having collected sack full of chestnuts, decided to share them out in a graveyard. On their way in one of the boys dropped the sack and two of the cockers rolled out. "We' Il get those later,” he said, and in they went to divide up the remainder. As they were counting them out a small girl happened to be crossing the graveyard,and to her horror she heard from behind a bush a voice say, "one for you , one for me. One for you , one for me” In terror she rushed to the gate and bumped into a policeman, "what' s the matter, little girl?" he asked, for she was obviously in great distress.
"Oh, Mr. Policeman!" She wailed, "there're ghosts in the graveyard, and they're sharing out the dead bodies! Listen!”
And as she held a trembling finger to her lips they heard a voice say, "one for you, one for me. And we mustn’t forget those two by the gate!”
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