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Will 与Would 用法完全归纳(二)

2013-02-01  点击:2658

  5. 表示习惯或倾向
  will 和 would 均可用于表示习惯或倾向——既可指某人特有的习惯,也可指事物的自然倾向。其中will表示现在的习惯,would表示过去的习惯。如:
  Water will boil at 100C. 水到摄氏100就会沸腾。
  He will always complain if he gets the opportunity. 他一有机会总要抱怨。
  When we were students we would often stay up all night. 我们当学生时,经常通宵不睡。
  I planted a vine last year, but it wouldn’t grow because it didn’t get enough sun. 去年我种了一棵葡萄,但它因阳光不足没有长大。
  That’s just like him—he would lose his keys! 他就是这样,老丢钥匙!
  Harriet will keep leaving her things all over the floor. 哈丽特总是把她的东西扔得满地都是。
       6. 表示推测
  will 和 would都可用于表示推测——will用于谈论现在;would用于谈论过去,但也可用于谈论现在,只是语气比较委婉、比较不确定。如:
  He will be waiting downstairs now. 他现在应该在楼下等吧!
  You’ll be Dr. Livingston, I presume? 我猜您就是李温斯顿博士吧?
  You wouldn’t tell anyone, would you? 你不会告诉别人的,对吧?
  That would be the watch you are looking for. 那大概是你在寻找的手表吧。
  You will have heard the news, I think? 我想,你已经听到那个新闻了吧?
  I thought you would have finished it by now. 我想你现在可能已经做完了吧。
      7. 表示执意或坚持
  will 和 would 可用来表示句子主语的执意和坚持,其中will用于谈论现在,would用于谈论过去。如:
  He will comb his hair at the table, even though he knows I don’t like it. 他偏要在饭桌连梳头,还明明知道我不喜欢。
  He would do it, though I told him not to. 虽然我叫他不要做,可是他偏要做。
      8. 其他用法
  will 还可表示决心、许诺、指示、叮嘱等,具体意思需根据所处语境来确定。如:
  I won’t leave you. You can’t make me. 我绝不离开你,你不能强迫我离开。
  We’ll pay back your money soon. 我们很快就会把钱还给你的。
  You will not go out today; you will stay in and work. 今天你不要出去,待在家里干活。
  No one will leave the examination room before 12 o’clock. 12点前谁也不准离开考场。

Will 与Would 用法全归纳(一)    从一道高考题看独立主格结构的用法