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  报读了一年的日常英语口语课程的学员Angel,由于准备升高三,希望能够在英语方面进行课外的提高学习,原本还有考虑别的机构,但是通过易说堂的体验课程之后,对课程感到十分喜欢,并希望能够马上开学,通过课程学习,她感到自己的英语听力能力提高了不少,而且面对英语不再感到紧张,为此给外教老师Venus 写来感谢信,内容如下:





Dear Venus,


Thanks for your help. You are really patient, kind and serious. You help me correct my mistakes.

I have learnt English in e-say for about one month. And I think I really improve myself. A month ago, I always used to say “sorry, pardon?” to you. But now it’s less. And I used to be nervous at class. But now I didn’t. I am happy because of my improvement.

In addition, you push me deeply to not give up and continue my interest to improve my English. Although you have a fever, you still have our class. I really appreciate your help.




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