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Hi there, Happy Teacher's Day to all of you! On this special day, I’d like to take this opportunity to thanks my teacher Nathan who is a rather qualified teacher.

In Nathan's class,I feel very free and I can talk everything I like and he always exchange ideas with me actively.When I feel down,he tried to cheer me up.When there was good news,he wasalways happy for me too.He showed his care for his students,he remembers what I said long time before ,which really makes me feel touched. As far as I can see, this teacher is just like a friend who can share both happiness and sorrow with me.

In terms with lesson, he also tries to make his class attractive. In addition, there is one  thing which I think is of highly importance,that's his flexible way to teach the book.He rarely teach totally just following the book.Mostly,he asks questions I didn't prepare as book.First,I felt stressful,but later,I feel this is a necessary way to let me think and practise my ability to expression.

In short, I'm quite satisfied with my teacher Nathan,and I hope he can keep the good status and we make bigger progress together.Thanks!



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