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  报读了为期一年综合商务外语课程的学员Tonya,通过这一年的学习,从一开始的紧张寡言到现在轻松的畅所欲言,课堂上轻松愉快的气氛,让她喜欢上了英语,更喜欢上英语课,因此给外教Josh和SA-Sarah的感谢信 :



Dear Sarah:

I am writing this letter to thank you and Josh for helping me to improve my English. I still remember the way I talked in the first few days of our classes. I talked in a mumbled and garbled sound. Also, I was always sweating all over when having the first few classes. After 3 months’ classes, now I can feel comfortable to talk with Josh. I really appreciate Josh very much. Because of him, I enjoyed every class instead of suffering it at the very beginning of our classes were always full of laughter and joy. I like the way he guides me to tell my story or to express my opinions. He always knows the trigger point of talking.

Also, thank you Sarah. You are a teacher who’s so kind to me and who always answers my questions immediately and always do your best to solve my problems. Thank you very much and I am glad to be a student of E-say.

Hope I can take a big jump in my English from studying with you and with your help in the future.
Best wishes                                                                    


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