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 I am Grace and I am a foreign sales person, now I have been learning English for over one year.

 recently, I looked back the process of learning English, I found that I am not a bit lonely on the road to learn English. My study advisor SA- Grace and English teacher Amenda have given me a great help.




 As I was having troubles on grammar, spelling and structure of sentences in studying English, Grace always carefully teach me until I can understand completely, especially when I was going to take the PETS4 examination, I successfully passed the exam due to some good suggestions she gave to me.

 During telephone teaching, my teacher Amenda often helps me correct my wrong pronunciation, and then, gives me continuous encourage in order to build my self-confidence. So I can get a great progress in studying English.

 At present, I could communicate with many foreign customers confidently and fluently. Thanks for E-SAY, thanks for my two teachers, SA- Grace and Amenda!

 All in all, E-SAY is a best place where you could improve English capabilities.


  现在,我已能自信并流畅地与外国客户进行沟通了。谢谢我的两位老师SA- Grace和AMENDA,谢谢易说堂!总之,易说堂是一个能提高你英语能力的最好的机构。






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