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I wish I'd have a chance to say a proper thank you in person to you for being such a fantastic teacher. From the first day , I have enjoyed each and every class of yours and used to look forward to having our class everyday.


You have such enthusiasm and patience. I don't know how you're able to keep it up! You have a way of making dry subjects really interesting. You helped me become confident, motivated, and above all, interested in learning, which is no small feat. I also thank you for encouraging me to participate in the E-say presentation contest which I thoroughly enjoyed. Yes, we finally won the 1st rank hand in hand. I know you put a lot of time and effort into them and hope you know how much I appreciate it .I am very lucky to have a teacher like you in my English study.
 I can't express thank you in words for what you have done for me. I hope you enjoy the coming Thanksgiving Day. You deserve it.
With Kind Regards,
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