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Love Affair (三)

2013-01-11  点击:3377

You can't miss it.

Mike : Where are you going to be on May 8th at 5:02 p.m.?
Terry: Uh... We land in a few minutes.
Mike : Want time to think it over?
Terry: Do you want time to think over?
Mike : Absolutely not.
Terry: Um, top of the Empire State Building? It's not the biggest anymore,but you can't miss it.
Mike : 5月8号下午5点02分你会在哪里?
Terry: 呃...,我们很快靠岸了。
Mike : 需要时间来考虑吗?
Terry: 你需要时间来考虑吗?
Mike : 当然不。
Terry: 嗯,帝国大厦楼顶怎么样?它虽然不是最宏伟的了,但你也很容易找到。

[Tip & Tip]
"You can't miss it."

[Words & Expressions]
think over: 考虑,想想

He's a mess.

Mike : I worry about the future, what people will think of me.That they'll say," What happened to the guy? He's a mess.

Well,he doesn't really like women."
Terry: Why would they say that?
Mike : Well, because everywhere he goes, every woman he meets, he says, " Where will you be in three months? Meet me in

three months."
Mike : 我很担心将来人们会怎么看我。他们会说,“这个家伙怎么了?他疯了吗?好吧,他是真的不喜欢女人。”
Terry: 他们为什么会那么说?
Mike : 噢,因为他每到一个地方,每遇到一个女人,他就说:“三个月之后你会在哪里?三个月之后来找我。”

[Tip & Tip]
Mess是指“乱糟糟的”“脏乱的”,指人是“有复杂问题的人”“傻瓜”的意思,例如"You look like a mess.",“你状态看上去很不好”的意思。


Love Affair (二)    Forrest Gump (1)